This page on Zambezi has two focuses. First, are current materials about Zambezi Boarding Secondary School (ZBSS). These start in late 2018 and are continually being updated and re-organized as teachers and students request, especially on their new, exciting literary program. Second, following the ZBSS materials, are historical photographs by Thomas George Clayton Vaughan-Jones. He took these between May-August 1936 when he visited Zambezi (then Balovale) District. He was a colonial officer who in 1955 was decorated as Director of the Game and Tsetse Department.
With over eight decades separating ZBSS and the 1936 photos, readers can get a glimpse of the enormous changes in this part of the NWP.
Zambezi Boarding Secondary School (ZBSS)
Headmasters at ZBSS from its opening until today
On 21st November 2018, Mr. Martin Mate contacted me. Since June 2018, he has been been headmaster (headteacher) of ZBSS. I opened the school in January 1965 and he is now the 22nd in charge. As many readers know, this school has a very special place in my heart. (Please click this link to see the page entitled Zambezi Secondary School.) Mr. Mate and I have been corresponding since his first email.
- David’s Ph.D. graduation, 1983 w/Zindi
- Headteachers: 1965-current
- Mr. Mate’s graduation 2016
Several former Headmasters
- Mr. N’gandu: 1991-1996
- Mr. Mate w/ Mr. Mbulwe
- Mr. Mbulwe: 1998-2005
Zambezi Writers Corner (ZWC) at ZBSS
Mr. Mate passed my email on to Mr. Daniel Phiri, teacher of Literature and Languages at the school. Mr. Phiri is leading a new project called “Zambezi Writers Corner” (ZWC) that plans to tackle illiteracy in the district. In the next paragraph I quote a bit of this correspondence that focuses on this exciting new project. Click the following to read their 5 pp. proposal (pdf file) entitled “Develop a Writer“: Zambezi Writers Corner Proposal. They hope this proposal will help them raise funds. Last are two pdf files of their new magazine Let’s Read. You are especially encouraged to read the magazines. Just click the blue text below each picture to see their contents. (Do not click the magazine pictures.) They also have publicized this website throughout the NWP through WhatsApp.
First, some key points raised by Mr. Phiri in his 25 Nov. email about what they are doing. “It is encouraging that you still have the heart of Zambezi Boarding. We are really blessed to hear from you as your name is in the history books of Zambezi Boarding. . . . You will agree with me that illiteracy levels are quiet high in our District . . . Therefore, we came up with an organization . . . to help improve literacy levels among the learners — through a writing competition whose material will be published in a magazine called LET’S READ. This will act as a motivation to learners to continue writing. Thereafter, each year we will be holding an AWARD CEREMONY where we shall award the best writers. This will also act as a motivation to encourage other learners to continue participating in the writing competition. This is also spiced up with other activities which include Debate and Spelling Bee Competition. . . . [The magazine – two issues are below] includes interesting stories, poems and articles that our children were able to write. The world can at least read what our learners are able to do.”
Zambezi Writers Corner, Volume I: issue 1 and issue 2. Click on the blue text below to see the contents

October 2018 (20 pp.)

November 2018 (6 pp.)

April 2019
Zambezi Writers Corner April 2019
Zambezi Writers Corner, September 2019
(⇓BELOW: To read this new issue, you must click “Let’s Read: September 2019” BELOW⇓)
Lets Read: September 2019
On 18th October, when Daniel Phiri of the Zambezi Writers Corner sent this latest issue of “Let’s Read” he added some interesting comments about their activities:
“We had two literacy activities this term. Kids were very happy and our District Office is very delighted. We hope to extend the project (by next year) to other Districts. So far we registered our presence in Chavuma as well.
“We also participated in commemorating world literacy day (September). We had activities such as spelling bee, speed reading and other activities in a few schools we visited. It was fascinating indeed. Our district education board secretary ( DEBS) was in attendance.
“In addition, Let’s Read, our long waited magazine is done. We have managed through our limited resources to do another one. This time around, the writing competition was overwhelming and we had thousands and thousands of participants. Most schools participated. We also piloted the project in 24 schools in Solwezi. It is encouraging to note that the whole district was and is still ready for the project. Kabompo District Education Office has also requested us to extend the project to their District. Hence, I can confirm with you that it has been “received with two hands.” Kids too are in love with it. In the next two years, it will be able to touch many children.
We also appreciate you putting our material on the website. Children and Parents also are able to access it even if they cannot access the hard copy. As you can see, we have put your link in the magazine. David, from my bottom of my heart, I am saying thank you so much for your support [with the website]. . .
During these activities, we have learnt that [many other] kids that are talented but have no support. Hence, in future as God blesses us, we intend to be supporting such children too.”
After the above early November 2019 edition of the journal, I did not receive more material for almost two years. As all readers will know this was because of Covid that eventually struck even rural Zambezi. While the work of the club became limited, they still pursued their literacy goals as best possible. Thus, in October 2021, Daniel Phiri and colleagues wrote five pages about their sponsors and the progress made with the gifts received. Unfortunately, as of mid-December 2021 I have been unable to put these pages on the website.
Click the following if you have not yet seen older materials on Zambezi Secondary School (ZSS) when I (Paul David Wilkin) helped start and develop it: Zambezi: 1965-68.
Zambezi Photographs by Thomas George Clayton Vaughan-Jones in 1936
The groups of pictures below, of the Zambezi area were recently given to Dick Jaeger by a friend, Walter Vaughan-Jones. His father took them when he was in the Colonial Service at the Game and Tsetse Department and visited Balovale.
This first group of photographs show Mr. Vaughan-Jones at his 1955 Decoration in Lusaka as the Director of Game and Tsetse Dept. The other five photos show the Zambezi in flood and other boats and men in or near the river.
- Decoration: Mr.Vaughan-Jones
- Zambezi River in flood
- River below Luli Village
- Loading a boat
- Man in canoe on Zambezi
- Man on a boat
The following six photographs are of likishi entertainers (makishi is singular). They are important at adolescent males puberty rites. References and more information about them will be added later on.
- Two likishi dancing
- Two likishi dancing
- A makishi standing
- A makishi dancing
- A makishi w/crowd behind
- A makishi dancing
Groups of villagers
- Sinyama Sikufele’s people on flood plain
- Greeting visitors
- Women greeting people at Kaluba Stream
Chiefs and villagers
- Musbashu w/Chieftainess Ndungu & retinue
- Mambunda – Headmen
- Clerk Muyanda w/Induna Mulyunda
Rural Zambezi and Village Life
- Zambezi below Lungwebungu nearing flood plains
- Ant hill on flood plains
- Bridge building over Mombezi
- Cleaning land for a road
- Part of a village
- Ancestral shrine
- Traditional beehive in tree
- Cutting a large tree
- Setting up camp